BoundingHound is a lifestyle brand and training facility in Coralville, Iowa that focuses on Social Training that also offers daytime and overnight care and grooming for your dogs. Each of these is done with positivity, confidence and structure that is designed to help your dog relieve stress, establish healthy relationships with other dogs, and improve their manners and obedience.

Social Training is our core belief system, and exercise is a huge piece of that. When a dog can have adequate exercise and social time, they’re more likely to behave – this is our philosophy and where BoundingHound found its roots. We understand that not every owner has the time or energy to offer their dogs the exercise they need, so we do the hard work for you! Our daytime Social Training sessions are great starting points to foster positive behavior.

We train dogs who exhibit all kinds of common behaviors like jumping, excessive barking, digging, separation anxiety, and more. Our team takes time to get to know each dog, identify their issues, and works one-on-one with the owner to overcome these behaviors.

These are just some of the reasons why people love us… and dogs love us more. Read more. 

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I am a small town guy; from Algona, IA. I grew up around animals, and would’ve done anything for a horse. Turns out, that was never going to happen, so I turned my attention to dogs. I watched my dad teach our German Shepherd/Lab, Sandy, basic commands in the kitchen and remember her sitting patiently in the drive while we walked away with her in a ‘stay’. Then there was Daisy, a rat terrier that ruled Sandy and fought raccoons twice her size and won (it was legitimately frightening, and at the same time — so impressive). Jackson was a Shiba Inu that I found in college with no tags. After no one claimed him, I adopted him and he lived out his days at my parents acreage. He was as patient and tolerant of the grandkids as an owner could ever hope for, a gem. Dogs have been part of me for a long time, and I love what I do. I’m blessed to be able to do something that I really understand and enjoy.